• Brittle, Splitting and Peeling Finger Nails: What Are the Causes?

    Damaged nails are certainly not a good sight. It is embarrassing to wear nails with its layers peeling off, splitting and sporting a discolored surface. Thus, for ladies who are suffering from dystrophic nails, here are some facts you should know about it. What Causes Damaged Nails? In most cases, brittle, splitting and peeling nails have similar basis. The primary reason for damaged nails is the lack of moisture and essential vitamins which nails require to remain healthy. However, there are also other explanations as to why your nails have poor health aside from this. Here it is.


    1. Exposure to Harsh Chemicals


    Because of you want to hide your damaged nails, you keep on wearing nail polish and repaint it once it fades. But, have it occurred to you that the chemicals in your nail polish are what makes your nails more damaged? The chemicals in your nail polish or nail polish remover can dry out your nails. Moreover, industrial cleaners and other household substances with harmful chemicals can also contribute in damaging your nails.


    2. Trauma in Nails


    Having injuries is another reason for damaged nails. If you have a habit of biting your nails, it is no surprise if your fingernails are splitting. On the other hand, your everyday work can cause the breakage of your nails.


    3. Lack of Iron


    Iron deficiency can lead to poor health in nails. If you are an anemic person, you are most likely to have brittle nails. Your blood carries and distributes oxygen throughout the different parts of your body, including your nails to stay healthy. However, for an anemic person, their blood could not produce sufficient amount of hemoglobin to transports oxygen in the body. Poor levels of iron are the main root of inadequate hemoglobin production.


    How to Treat Damaged Nails


    As a guide for ladies, who wants to rejuvenate their nails and bring back its health, here are some beauty secrets you should know.


    1. Apply Moisturizer


    The best solution for dry nails is to apply moisturizer to bring back its healthy color. In addition, avoid using nail polish with harsh chemicals and limit your exposure to industrial cleaners. Wear gloves when you are using chemicals, with this, you can prevent your nails from getting dry.


    2. Eat Nutritious Foods


    Eating lots of vegetables and fruits especially those which are rich in iron and vitamin A and C can boost your nails health. Thus, make sure to add a good portion of healthy foods on your plate.


    3. Ask a Nail Technician for Help


    If the reason behind your damaged nails is because of injuries or nail trauma, ask the help of nail technician. These individuals are experts when it comes to revitalizing nail's beauty and health. Moreover, they have the knowledge and skills which they learned from entering a nail tech school.


    If you want to be an expert in bringing back the beauty and health of your nails, become a nail technician. It is one of the highest paying job with no bachelors degree required. Learn on how to become a nail technician here at Best Cosmetology if you want to know more about this career.

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